EOC 25 DIN 6388 CNC Router Dust Extraction nut - this nut replaces the standard nut on your CNC tool holder. It improves extraction performance and increasing the particle airflow into your extraction system on your CNC router.
They work especially well with MDF.
G2.5 Tested at 24,000 rpm
ER20 CNC Router Dust Extraction nut - this nut replaces the standard nut on your ER20 CNC tool holder. It improves extraction performance and increasing the particle airflow into your extraction system on your CNC router.
They work especially well with MDF.
G2.5 Tested at 24,000 rpm
ER25 CNC Router Dust Extraction nut - this nut replaces the standard nut on your ER25 CNC tool holder. It improves extraction performance and increasing the particle airflow into your extraction system on your CNC router.
They work especially well with MDF.
G2.5 Tested at 24,000 rpm
ER32 CNC Router Dust Extraction nut - this nut replaces the standard nut on your ER32 CNC tool holder [HSK or ISO30]. It improves extraction performance and increasing the particle airflow into your extraction system on your CNC router.
They work especially well with MDF.
G2.5 Tested at 24,000 rpm
OD 80mm
Oil Mist Lubrication System for Tigertec CNC Routers.
Suitable for working with Aluminium and other soft grade metals.
the pump sprays a fine mist over the cutting tool during work, this reduces cutter wear and aids in machining material.