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CNC Machines

  1. Showroom Tour 2024

    Showroom Tour 2024

    Visit our showroom to look around machines, get friendly advice whether its CNC machines or you are looking to start a workshop

  2. IN-HOUSE EXHIBITION 18+19 SEPT: Vectric Software to join the party!

    IN-HOUSE EXHIBITION 18+19 SEPT: Vectric Software to join the party!

    HOT OFF THE PRESS: Vectric will have a stand at the Scott & Sargeant InHouse Exhibition 2024! Come and speak to Vectric about your V Carve and Aspire CNC software needs. They will be exhibiting alongside a variety of CNC Routing Machines, including those from TigerTec, iTECH and G Weike. Powerful and easy to use […]

  3. SCM Open House

    SCM Open House

    Designed to change how you think about your manufacturing, SCM UK OPEN HOUSE will show you how to improve your business to INDUSTRY 4.0 standards. Implement innovative yet simple production automation, handling and software solutions allowing you to gain the edge on your competition SCM has always had a strong commitment to industry in its […]

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